What a fabulous day it was at Jennifer Collier's Studio 12 workshop in November making paper clothes!
Above is a shot of Jennifer's kid glove collection. Her work is so amazing. Jennifer is deeply committed to recycling - and most of her work is made up of materials that have been cast aside - she upcycles old elements into new and varied forms which always delight the eye.
Here is a pair of gauntlet type gloves which believe it or not are made from teabags - the empty teabags provide little pockets which when stuck together from the fabric of the glove and stitched together exactly as you would a fabric glove - this provides depth and a real 3D effect:
My favourites are the long evening gloves are just glorious, most of which are a collage old documents and images - again stitched together, incorporating button holes and vintage buttons adds to the realistic effect - I love them!
As well as the gloves we put together the collaged elements for a dress and a bib which we could complete at home with the addition of haberdashery elements. Below are two of Jennifer's map dresses.
We came away with several pieces of clothing, a worksheet of methods including using plastics bags and were all fired with enthusiasm to carry on at home. All in all, it was a great day out, not too far from home and a really useful grounding in methods I will employ in all manner of ways in future. I have one pair of gloves nearly complete and my other clothes on the 'to do' pile - currently post-christmas!
Many more pictures of Jennifer's paper objects - cameras, typewriters, shoes and teasets etc will be on tinkeringbythesea.blogspot.com next week!
I was back at Studio 12 the week before last for a pocket making workshop with Ellie Evans
- more on that soon!
Love to all