Tuesday, 28 February 2012


paper clay is so cool.
years ago, I bought some little clay birds in Mexico.
(should've taken a photo of them, too)
yesterday I made some little birds of my own.
above, little white ones...
and below:
once the paint goes on...

it is fun to see all the different personalities
as patterns appear in the paint.

Friday, 24 February 2012


Just had to take a couple of photos of my 16 year old
He was getting things together to wear to a dance tonight
He wanted to have a bow tie like my dad

He was cleaning his shoes on the counter,
but I had to get this shot...
(love the curls!)

He is wearing my grandfather's fedora from the 20's
and a velvet bow tie

I think he has decided to wear a white buttondown instead
and some white shoes

Can't believe how fast we got to this place

Monday, 20 February 2012


Just thought I would share with with all you ladies a picture of my first grandchild.

Lenny Zed (named after his grandfathers) was born on St Valentine's Day, the Year of the Dragon - how lucky is that! - and he is, of course, gorgeous.   I have been knitting blankets and matinee jackets, little hats and booties, like crazy; and  Sheila, (she of the fabulous gateaux on "Show and Tell Day") made a divine little teddy bear out of antique French linen to give to the little man when he is a little older.

Sheila's teddy with a little mouse commissioned from Chloe Antiques

Finally some superb finds from Verteillac brocante which I shall keep for the first visit.
Can't wait!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

my first canvas

package of two on sale last week
I bought a package...
and painted one of them..
I added more paint this morning...
...a few birds.
no idea how this will turn out,
but the process seems like fun so far.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Quilt Squares

The quilt squares for the summer Julie Arkell class are ready and have been sent. I can't wait to see what shows up in my mail box!
Here's a little preview.

Monday, 13 February 2012

At The TEA

So, we had to go to the Tea for breakfast, or brunch....and the "Flats" had to join us.
Sami and Becky sat with Oolie
And they also got to meet Nancy - my pal!!!
(she's "mercurial")

After the Tea, we came home and did a little sewing.
Oolie played with some wonderful hearts
and I cut and arranged little "garden brooches" - aren't they fun?!

Love to all...
wish you were here with us..

Saturday, 11 February 2012

West Dean with Julie

Here is Julie looking as sweet as ever
 The adventure began when Di picked me up at the train station and we zoomed over to West Dean. The campus is beautiful. This was the view from my room. It was a chilly week but most of the happenings were indoors anyway.

Kim's husband always knows what to get her as a gift
 On the first night Julie talked to us about the course and we got acquainted with each other. Most of the women were from England. The next day was spent making our paper mache figures and applying the newspaper. Luckily the radiators gave off a lot of heat to dry everything in time.
 The next day we began dressing and decorating our figures. These are two of my unfinished rabbits. I struggled with the knitted hat (quite easy for a knitter) but was pleased with the results afterwards. Dressing the characters was fun and a bit challenging.
Julie brought in some puppets she made and encouraged everyone to make a puppet. Mine is not finished yet but will be a two headed puppet.
The most coveted pieces of the class were Di's donkeys. They are so adorable. I am not showing a picture of them because I wanted to let Di be the one to show them off. Unfortunately Di lost her sister on the last day of the class. It is a terrible loss for her and her family. Thinking good thoughts to you and your family Di.
I enjoyed the course very much. It was a lot different than the workshop. Fun to get to experience both media and locations.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

OOlie's HERE!!

Oolie arrived on Monday...
and to greet her in her room were all the flats
Happy Day!!

So happy to have her here
a wonderful distraction from the daily grind.

Love to all of you.
Promise to post our creations as they come down the pike....

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


I posted my last two posts on the wrong blog!
This was to be on polkadotponie....and the other one, which is there, is supposed to be here!
oh well.....
These are ornaments in preparation for Valentine's Day.
Happy Hearts to all of you.
Can't wait to hear about Miss Arkell's Class at West Dean (!!!!!!)
Taylor and Di, hope it was wonderful!
