Knitting is big in Ladakh, they call it Larchis. We have returned after 5 months of being away and are feeling rather confused, so it was very good to look at the Pantry Violet website and still see that all of you keep on sewing and knitting. We met a lovely lady called Angmo, who has one of the hardest lives I have come across and has the sweetest disposition throughout it all. Angmo loves to knit and showed me a great deal of her handiwork including all these gorgeous bonnets she had made for her little boy Karma Jigmed. I asked if we could peg them on the line on top of her mud brick house that has no running water or electricity and gets down to minus 50 for three months in the winter. Angmo was delighted. It reminded me of Briancon and hanging all our flowers on the line.
Ladies of the world clearly are united - through knitting and sewing.
Ladies of the world clearly are united - through knitting and sewing.